The School of Ministry is a one year course designed to equip a person for Spiritual Leadership and to develop a heart for service.
(1) 12 Months of faithful serving
We require that the applicant has already faithfully served at Calvary Church for at least 12 consecutive months at the time of applying.
(2) Pastoral Recommendation
In order to be considered for the School of Ministry, the applicant must have a Pastoral Recommendation. Preferably from the pastor who has overseen the ministry in which they have served.
(3) Background Check
The applicant must submit to all levels of the necessary Background Check(s) with a willing and agreeable attitude.
(4) Time Availability
Each Applicant must be able to be at the church building on Saturdays (3PM-6PM), Sundays (7AM-10:45AM), in addition to attending at least one service.
(5) Serving Availability
Each Applicant must be able to be available at various times for hospital visits, all "hands-on deck" Church events, etc...
(6) Passport & Missions Trip
The applicant must have or be in the process of obtaining a passport and needs to be willing and able to attend a 7-14 day missions trip. (date and location will be decided by the current class)