"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"


Matthew 28:19

With the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission by bringing the Gospel to places where people would otherwise have little or no chance of hearing the truth of Jesus Christ, missions outreach is a large part of the ministry of Calvary Church.

Our Heart For Missions

(1) Sending & Supporting
As a church we send and support financially long term, overseas missionaries and organizations throughout the world.
(2) Facilities
We regularly facilitate short-term mission trips to not only support our missionaries but to also engage the local church in what God is doing beyond our borders.
(3) Serving & Educating
In reference to Acts 1:8 we believe God has first called us as a church to serve Aurora (our Jerusalem), Colorado (our Judea), and internationally (the Ends of the earth).

In addition to this calling, we understand the importance of educating the local church about missions, missionaries, and mission opportunities.
(4) Praying
We believe prayer is the key to winning and ultimately supporting our missionaries as they serve on the front lines in a very real spiritual battle for souls.

We regularly lead our church in times of prayer for our missionaries.


Join the mission


These are all individuals and organizations we support as a church, the ones who have been sent out from Calvary Church are marked by an "*" next to their name.

Colorado, USA

Alternatives Pregnancy Center
Alternatives Pregnancy Center cares for Denver-area women and men in pregnancy-related crisis and offers them a meaningful alternative to abortion. Following the example of Christian love, we seek to meet their emotional, physical and spiritual needs. and we enable and encourage them to choose life every day.

Lima, Peru

The Damron Family
Jake & Raquel Damron, along with their son, Timothy, are serving the Lord in Peru. There, they assist a local church in Lima called Camino De Vida. Discipleship, worship leading, teaching classes in "Casa Garcia" and "Refugio Garcia" (ministry houses for girls and guys who God has freed from addictions), are a few of the areas they serve in on a weekly basis. They also reach out into different pars of Peru through what's called "Servolucion". One of their many "Servolucion" efforts consists of building Christian churches in the jungle, along with digging fresh water wells for each Church in order for them to supply both Living Water of Jesus Christ and the clean drinking water needed for their communities. To donate choose "Jake & Raquel Damron" in dropdown menu.

Sudan, Africa

Wes & Vicky Bentley
Far Reaching Ministries serves the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those in 13 countries worldwide. The main focus of our discipleship is in the Republic of South Sudan, where we have witnessed major genocides. Since 1999, we have trained over 400 Spirit-filled indigenous missionaries to serve across that nation.

Turin, Italy

Downs Family
Dave and Denae have been serving in Turin, Italy since 2019. Dave planted and oversees Calvary Torino, as well as a Christian radio station with 3 different frequencies, and hopes to fully teach through the Bible in Italian over the next 10 years. His wife Denae is a skilled worship leader & songwriter and directs the Più Forti Project which creates excellent, Biblically solid, free songs and content for kids and teens.

Coconut Creek, Florida

Christian Skaters
Christian Skaters exists to connect local skate communities to Jesus. We are a global family of skateboarders who are dedicated to living out our faith, sharing our hope in Jesus Christ, and discipling skaters in God’s Word.

80%  of Colorado

Up and down the Front Range GraceFM is a growing network of radio stations dedicated to Worship & God’s Word. We provide Cheyenne Wyoming, Fort Collins Colorado, the Denver Metro area (89.7 FM KXGR), Monument, and Colorado Springs (101.7 KXCL) with solid Bible teaching and fresh worship 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Aurora, Colorado

Mission Assist / Claycamp Family
Since 2010 (after pastoring Calvary Chapel North Phoenix for 29 years), Pastor Bob and Jeanne Claycamp have had the vision to strengthen pastors, missionaries and their wives so that their ministries might be strengthened.
Through building relationships with these leaders, they have been able to assist, encourage and provide direction.

Antipolo, Philippines

Dizon Family
Calvary Antipolo Fellowship is a house church with around 30-35 adult members, plus youth and children. We have Sunday morning service for the adults and also a children's ministry. Please mail donations to Calvary Church 18900 E. Hampden Ave. Aurora, CO 80013 attn: Missions Jess & Nestie Dizon


Josie Claycamp*
Josie is serving the people of Ukraine, working for a Christian non-profit organization that brings humanitarian aid and the Gospel to those in need.

Ferrara, Italy

Gemma Family
Calvary Chapel Ferrara started as a church plant in the Gemma's home in 2013. Today it's an established church in the city center.
Lorenzo, as pastor motivated by the love for God's Word, has a desire to see more native Italians discipled and raised up to serve in ministry.
Lorenzo and Bethany have a heart for the children/youth of Ferrara, which has resulted in their growing vbs and new scout project.

Bangkok, Thailand

Gordon Family*
The Gordons have been in Thailand since 2014, planting Calvary Chapel Bangkok. Thailand is a very difficult place to minister where far less than one percent of the population knows Jesus. Theravada Buddhism, idol worship, Animism, have all led the Thais to forget the One True God.

Bangkok, Thailand

Deneen Kelly*
Deneen utilizes her training in Social Work to serve protection efforts in Thailand.  As a member of the team assisting the government in transitioning the child protection system from institutional care to family-based foster care, she contributes to policy development and workforce capacity building. In addition, Deneen works with organizations providing aftercare to victims of human trafficking. This can include; spiritual counseling, therapy, debriefing for caregivers, and workshops on strengthening services provided to survivors. When you support Deneen, some of your support may go to providing for the livelihood needs of unaccompanied minors who are living in Thailand as refugees.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Martin Family
After visiting Puerto Vallarta as a tourist and seeing the spiritual and physical poverty of the Mexican people who lived in Puerto Vallarta, God placed a heavy burden on both our hearts to move here and share the Hope which lies within us in Christ. Our ministry has been directed over the past 24 years primarily towards the working class and their children. To that end we built and operate a community center at the edge of town where we disciple kids and adults. We bus them in town for church services where they are able to hear the Expository teaching of God's Word.

Myanmar (Burma)

The Marquardts
God called the Marquardts to move to Myanmar (Burma) to help save Children from trafficking, to care for and disciple them, to open a Christian international school (May, 2024), and to raise up leaders who will teach God's word. Nate was commissioned to pastor in 2018, has done international missions since 2015, has an M.T.S. from Gateway Seminary, and earned a D.Min. from Chiang Mai Theological Seminary.
Tessa has homeschooled their four children since 2017 and served with Nate in all their ministry.

Loreto, Peru

Sharon Malcolm
Sharon Malcolm is currently ministering in several river front villages in rural Peru. She works with several projects that help to improve the villagers' quality of life, allowing for opportunities to share the Gospel with the unsaved and to disciple new believers in the area. She prays many will come to salvation, and the new believers will be a light in the lives of the surrounding communities.


The Matthews
Our calling is in disaster relief & recovery. It is our desire to come along side of families, local churches and relief groups to serve in the areas of disaster relief and recovery in our own backyard (stateside).

Gulu, Uganda

Nolley Family
Since 2010, Kent has been leading teams to Gulu to teach local pastors and leaders key books and passages of the Bible.

Bucharest, Romania

Hogan Family
The Hogan family has the heart to minister to the 'least of these.' There are many orphans and people experiencing poverty. It's hard for these to find a traditional church that accepts them. The Lord has given the Hogan family His compassion for all. They desire to live out Isaiah 61:1-3 as they offer hope to all those in need, preach good tidings to the poor, witness healing for the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and see the bound free!

Aurora, Colorado

Jeff Price*
In 2012, Jeff visited a refugee family from Africa living at the Shadow Tree Apartments in Aurora. The Lord called him to take notice of all the kids and their broken bicycles in the apartment courtyard. Obeying this call meant trusting God, and now it has evolved into a thriving ministry with the overall purpose of building friendships and demonstrating the love that Jesus has for them through the Gospel. Please Email Jeff directly to donate or contact

New Jersey, USA

Dash Family
God has called the Dash Family to the inner city of Newark NJ. Newark is the largest city in NJ and has been devastated by substance abuse, gang activity, crime and poverty. The family structure is broken, single moms work excessive hours to make ends meet or are dependent on government assistance, while fathers are absent, incarcerated, or even deceased. God has called us to bring hope to this city by providing a place of refuge.

Lakewood, Colorado

Rosenberg Family
Prompted by God, with guidance from the Holy Spirit, we offer expert, practical, non-profit, architectural, engineering and planning services to evangelical ministries in developing nations who need physical facilities to help share the love of Jesus Christ.

Cape Town, South Africa

Calvary Kidz Kommetjie
Most of the students in Kommetjie and the surrounding townships are unable to attend public school due to a lack in finances; as public schools are not free like here in the US, Calvary Kidz offers quality education and the love of Jesus to the students.

Boise, Idaho

Billings Family
The Billings Family was sent by Calvary Tucson to plant
"Boise Church" in April 2022. They desire to love the Treasure Valley Community in Jesus' name and train up followers of Christ who will worship God, lead others to Him, and collaborate with other gospel churches to grow the Kingdom of God.

Harrogate, England

Howard Family
Pastor Mike and his wife Theresa are leaders of Calvary Harrogate. In addition to the Church ministry, the Howards are also involved in various humanitarian relief efforts, specifically taking teams of US & UK doctors on mission trips and participating in local evangelism.

Batumi, Georgia

Fadness Family
Jeff and Christina moved to Batumi, Georgia, in September 2022 to begin the "Strengthening the Hands" ministry. After 13 years of church planting in Russia, 1992-2005, and 17 more years of senior pastoral ministry in the US, they again answered the call to the mission field in Georgia. In Georgia, they use their Russian language skills to disciple people in the local Church and share the Gospel with whoever they meet. They also are readily available for missionary debriefing with missionaries leaving the mission field.

Cork, Ireland

Treu Family*
The Treu family serves in the Republic of Ireland, a country considered an unreached people group with less than 2% Evangelical Christian. Serving through a parachurch ministry and nonprofit called Treuimage, they are working alongside local churches and other organizations in the county of Cork. They have a heart to share the Gospel with children, teens, and families and to support the work God is doing on the ground.

Colorado, USA

U-Turn for Christ
U-Turn For Christ is a Christ-centered discipleship program dealing with men and women seeking restoration from drug and alcohol addiction through our Lord Jesus Christ. Their program is based entirely on the Word of God, all counsel given originates from it. Please pray for this ministry as they continue to battle the drug abuse and addiction epidemic. To contact us please call (719) 473-6285

Montebelluna, Italy

Nathaniel Hibbs*
Nathaniel Hibbs currently serves with Calvary Chapel Montebelluna and the Bible College as a missionary in northeastern Italy. He serves in the areas of audio/visual, youth programs, sports outreach, and as the Bible College registar, among other responsibilities.

Nashville, Tennessee

The Gideons
Gideons International started distributing the Word of God in 1908. Today, they have more than 287,000 members and an untold number of supporters. Their mission is to win the lost for Christ, and their unique method is the distribution of Bibles and New Testaments in selected streams of life.

Kenya, Africa

Hickey Family
Over the last 10 years, God has opened doors into Africa through His ministry, the "Paul Initiative." Ed will visit a country, hold a training conference, and then follow up with weekly training video calls. In Kenya, they help run a small orphanage of about 50-60 children. This involves everything from the practical to the spiritual needs of the children.

Austin, Texas

Wyss Family
The Wyss Family is currently planting a new church in Austin Texas which exists to lead people to Jesus. They officially launched Fervent Church in September '20 and have been meeting every Sunday ever since. They believe in having a fervent, steadfast spirit as they pursue God and people.

Colorado, USA

Colorado Family Life Center
Colorado Family Life Center is committed to making pregnancy and parenting support accessible to all parents. CFLC is a faith-based, non-profit ministry that serves anyone, anywhere, anytime with access to free classes throughout three programs.

La Gloria, Mexico

Valdez Family
The Valdez family is committed to developing, training, and equipping leaders to further the Gospel in Mexico. Please pray for their ministry at Calvary Rosarito. To Donate choose "Rosarito, Mexico" in the dropdown

Brooklyn, New York

Kahn Family | Brooklyn Church
God has called Pastor Alan, Jenna
and their 4 small children to minister to a secular
family-centered neighborhood that has virtually zero
Bible teaching churches. Their hope is to influence the
most influential city in the world with the Gospel by
reaching those who are assumed to be unreachable.

Monument, Colorado

Kroger Family | Roots Church
Roots Church is a new church plant in Monument, CO.
Roots Church is desperate to share the hope of Jesus
with everyone possible. Our mission from God is simple
love God, love people, and make disciples.

Hampton, England

Suits Family | Calvary Chapel Twickenham
Chris Suits, along with his wife Sarah, were both radically saved at the age of 20 while he was attending college. In 2007, a job change took them from the place they both grew up to Astoria, OR. Shortly after arriving there, Chris and his family began attending Coastline Christian Fellowship. He has been very involved at the church where he has served in youth ministry, as an elder, young adult pastor, and since 2017 as the lead pastor. Chris and Sarah have been blessed with four children: Samuel, Benjamin, Solomon, and Ezekiel.

Throughout 2023 and 2024, the Lord made it clear through a series of events that he was calling Chris and his family to the UK. The Suits family has a unique open door as Sarah obtained her British Citizenship in January of 2023. Chris will specifically be taking over as lead pastor at one of the five existing Calvary Chapel churches (Calvary Chapel Twickenham) that serve the 8.9 million people in the London area.

Trujillo, Peru

Ochoa Family
Mario, Andrea, and their boys León and Onésimo are serving in Trujillo, Peru, at Calvary Chapel Trujillo. Mario is the director of Calvary Chapel Bible Institute Peru and is passionate about raising leaders, pastors, and church planters to reach South America with the gospel. Andrea assists with the logistics of the Bible college, discipling women, and raising their boys in the Word of God. Thank you for your prayers and your support as we seek to accomplish the great commission.

New York City, New York

Eslava Family
Bern and Loretta are dedicated servants of Jesus, faithfully ministering in the heart of New York City, with a special focus on Manhattan. Bern serves as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Lower Manhattan, where his passion lies in discipling believers and reaching the lost of NYC. His heart for the people of this city is reflected in his leadership, as he leads worship and teaches God's Word. Loretta plays a vital role in supporting the ministry by assisting with Spanish translation, media, and video. Together, they work tirelessly to share the gospel across a vibrant and diverse community, which includes Spanish-speaking individuals, Haitian immigrants, businessmen, and the homeless, among others.
As they serve in this dynamic environment, Bern and Loretta are seeing God move powerfully in the lives of people from all walks of life.